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Yes they can, although that is almost impossible.

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Q: Can kicking team advance a muffed punt?
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If a punt is kicked out of bounds is it a penalty?

No. The kicking team is penalized if a kickoff goes out of bounds, but on a punt, the ball is put in play for the receiving team at the point where it goes out of bounds.

What happens when a muffed punt goes into the endzone?

The receiving team can run it out or down it in the end zone for a touchback; if nobody on the receiving team touches the ball, that's also a touchback and the receiving team gets the ball first and ten on their own 20 yard line.

Can a team advance a blocked punt?

Yes they can, although that is almost impossible.

Can a fumbled punt recovered by the kicking team be advanced down the field?

Yes the football can be advanced by any team Incorrect - the defense cannot advance a fumble in high school football. The play is blown dead upon fumble and the ball spotted where the change in possession occurred.

In football on a punt when ball is fumbled and goes out of bounds last touched by kicking team player who is awarded possession of ball?

receiving team

When will the referee rule a re punt?

The referee in football doesn't rule the re-kick rather the team that reaps the benefit of a penalty and chooses to re-kick. For instance; if a punt only goes 20 yards on a 4th and 12 punt and the defense was offsides; the referee just calls the penalty; the kicking team selects to enforce the penalty or re-kick. My answer - a referee seldom rules a punt to be rekicked. The kicking team will have that luxury ONLY if a penalty flag was thrown and in their favour.

IF a punt is touched by a member of the receiving team and it goes out of bounds after touching a member of the kicking team whose ball is it?

Yes, if a punt travels untouched into the end zone, whether on a fly or not, it is a touchback to be placed on the 20, unless the receiving team brings it out of the end zone.

If a punt is partially blocked is it a live ball allowing the kicking team to recover it?

Yes it is a live ball and if the kicking team recovers they still have to get the first down and if the defense recovers its a turnover. The ball is live, however, the kicking team cannot regain possession of the ball unless the receiving team touches it first.

What is a muff in football?

A 'muff' is generally used with punting and occurs when the player that is catching the punt drops it or 'muffs it' without ever having possession of the ball. There is a distinct difference in the NFL rules between a muff and a fumble. If a punt receiver fumbles a punt, that means he had possession of the ball and then fumbled. The punting team can recover a fumble and advance it as many yards as they can get. If a punt receiver muffs a punt, that means the receiver did not have possession of the ball. The punting team may recover a muff but may not advance the ball. The punting team would gain possession of the ball at the spot of the recovery.

If a punt is fumbled by the receiving team and pushed into the end zone by the kicking team and picked up in the end zone by the receiving team and run out the back of the end zone is it a safety?

yes, it's a safety Yes.

What year was the kicking team no longer allowed to advance an on sides kick?

A kick off is a live ball and can be advanced wether it is an onsides or regular kick off did you know that on a regular kick off if the kicking team gets the ball before the receiving team they regain possesion and if it is in the endzone that is a touchdown To my knowledge, the kicking team has never been able to advance an onside kick. They can recover after 10 yards, of course, but they can't advance the ball after recovery. They simply take possession at the spot of the recovery.

Why punt on free kick?

Traditionally speaking one punts on a free kick (usually after a safety), because your average punt has a longer hang time than a placed kick. This allows the kicking team to get into position to tackle the ball carrier.