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Yes he can dribble the ball into his own penalty box and pick it up, if he has not already picked it up, or if his team mate did not back pass it to him (though a back pass via a head or a chest can be picked up) == == Below is straight out of the FIFA 07-08 Laws. Interpret as you may. - Unspoken Offences by goalkeepersGoalkeepers are not permitted to keep possession of the ball in their hands for more than six seconds. The goalkeeper is considered to be in possession of the ball: • while the ball is between his hands or between his hand and any surface (e.g., ground, own body) • while holding the ball in his outstretched open hand. • while in the act of bouncing it on the ground or tossing it into the air When a goalkeeper has gained possession of the ball with his hands, he cannot be challenged by an opponent. A goalkeeper is not permitted to touch the ball with his hand inside his own penalty area in the following circumstances: • If he handles the ball again after it has been released from his possession and has not touched any other player. - The goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball by touching it with any part of his hands or arms except if the ball rebounds accidentally from the goalkeeper, for example after he has made a save - Possession of the ball includes the goalkeeper deliberately parrying the ball, • If he touches the ball with his hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him by a team-mate. • If he touches the ball with his hands after he has received it directly from a thrown-in taken by a team-mate.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

Yes, but it depends on how it was passed to them.

There are restrictions when a team mate kicks it it to their own goal keeper.

There are restrictions when a team mate throws a ball in directly to their own goal keeper.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

I believe you mean the penalty area. The goal area is the smaller rectangle.

If the ball was passed to the goalkeeper by a teammate with their foot then this is an indirect free kick offense. In all other cases this is allowable.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

No. A goal keeper is allowed to dribble the ball, and this is not considered the same as "putting it down."

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βˆ™ 14y ago

This would depend on how the goal keeper received it in the first place. If it was kicked or thrown-in to them directly from a team-mate then they cannot pick it up. Otherwise, it is allowed.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The goal keeper is just like any other player, they may leave their penalty area and may score a goal.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Can they? Yes. Will they? Probably not.

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Q: Can goalkeeper pick up ball he dribbles back into the box?
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Can a goalkeeper in soccer pick up a ball that has been chested back to him?

Yes it can be done, as it is not a back pass.

What is the passback rule?

If a defender passes the ball back to his own goalkeeper using his feet then the keeper cannot pick it up, he can only use his feet to clear or pass the ball. however if the defender passes the ball back to his keeper using another part of his body (excluding arms and hands) then the goalkeeper can pick it up.

Can a goal keeper pick up the ball within the area if he himself kicked it into the area from the field?

Yes. A goalkeeper can dribble the ball back into the penalty area and pick it up. However, this is not the case if the ball was passed to him by a teammate (back pass), or if he has (for example) thrown the ball outside of the penalty area only to dribble it back in (double touch), or in any other case specifically disallowed by the laws.

Is there a situation in soccer when the goalkeeper may not handle the ball inside the penalty box?

Yes. If the ball is kicked to them or thrown-in to them directly from a team-mate. If the goal keeper releases the ball from their hands they cannot pick it back up again until another player touches it.

Can a goalkeeper yell keeper when he wants to pick up the ball in essence to signal to his defenders to back off?

Yes he can and good communication between players is one of the key ingredients for a good team.

If a defender deliberately kicks the ball up in the air to enable him to head it back to the goalkeeper is this classed as a deliberate back pass and the goalkeeper cannot pick it up?

You are absolutely correct. If, in the opinion of the referee, a player kicks a ball up into the air to deliberately chest or head the ball back to his own keeper to permit the keeper to "fairly" play it with the hands, it is a violation of the Laws of the Game and will result in a caution for Unsporting Behavior. The maneuver was done to circumvent the rule regarding the backpass to the keeper.Oh, and the keeper can pick up the ball in the above situation, but it will result in a whistle and the awarding of an indirect free kick to the other team at the spot where the keeper touched the ball. But you knew that. Good for you!

Can a goal keeper go in to the other team's penalty area and pick the ball up?

In short, no. A goal kick is not complete (the ball in not yet in play) until the whole of the ball crosses the whole of the penalty area line and into the field of play. If the goalkeeper touches the ball before it completely leaves the penalty area, the goal kick must be retaken. If the goalkeeper touches the ball with his hands after the ball has left the penalty area and become "in-play", then he is guilty of a handling infraction because the ball is not within the keeper's own penalty area anymore. Either the ball is still in the penalty area or it isn't; it can't be both. This is all without even considering the fact that a goalkeeper cannot handle a ball that has been intentionally kicked to him by a teammate, the so-called "pass-back" rule.

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A double dribble is when you dribble the ball, pick it up with both hands, and then dribble again. A travel is when you pick the ball up and take a step that is not a pivot.

How long can a goalkeeper keep the ball in his hands?

A goalie can use their hands to touch or pick up the ball when the ball is within their penalty area, they haven’t received it directly from a back pass or throw-in from a member of their own team, and they haven’t just dropped the ball from their hands. Sure, when the referee calls for a kick off or goal kick or something, the goalie should obey their command and do whatever needed with the ball.

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A Pick Six. "Pick" is slang for an interception - when the ball is caught by a member of the other team - and a Pick Six is an interception that the receiver runs back for a touchdown.

What is A screening in basketball?

Screen or pick - classic play in Basketball is the pick and roll, one player sets a pick, the other player comes across the pick and if the defender defending the player setting the pick goes for the guy with the ball, he rolls off and goes to the hoop. The person laying the pick cannot 'move' - Excellent way to get players open. You can set back picks, picks away from the ball. Creates defensive confusion.