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The NHL includes members from over 20 countries, so they don't really have any specific country advantage.

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18y ago

of course you at least need to be 16.

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16y ago

Yes, by both men's and women's teams.

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Q: Can college hockey players play in the Olympics?
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How much did olympic hockey players get paid to play?

they don't get paid to play in the olympics. it is a privalege to play

When did The Olympics allowed National hockey players and the National basketball players to play in the Olympics?

NBA players first Olympics was the 1992 Summer Games in Barcelona and NHL players first Olympics was the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano.

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Players usually going from juniors either move to the pros or they go on to play college

How do you get in the Olympics for ice hockey?

In most cases you have to be selected by the National team GM, which means you have to play good enough to belong to top players of your country.

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Do Field Hockey players play with a hard ball?

yes, hockey players do play with a hard ball. It is smooth depending on the brand e.g - kookaburra

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What gear do hockey players where?

nothing...they play naked

Why do hockey players have to play on ice?

You don't have to just play on ice,you can play street hockey,Toledo Ohio has a huge street hockey i play in and its real fun. and you can do field hockey,so there are many ways.

Are there profesional sportsman at the Olympics?

Yes. At the Winter Games, almost all of the players participating in men's ice hockey play in a professional league somewhere around the world. Same with men's basketball and football at the Summer Games. Many of the tennis players that participate at the Summer Olympics are professionals.