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99-yards is the NFL record

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Q: What is the longest throw for a pro football quarterback?
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Which spirals easier a Nerf football or pro football by the same quarterback?

A pro football because the quarterback is used to throwing the pro football and not a Nerf football.

What former Baltimore Colt inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1968 published an autobiography in 1987?

Johnny Unitas, the famous quarterback for the Baltimore Colts, was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1968. He published his autobiography, "Pro Quarterback: My Own Story," in 1987.

How do you throw a football pro pictures?

take some autographs

How many years has the longest pro football quarter back plaoyed?

Easy: that was George Blanda who played quarterback and kicker in college and in professional football. He has the record of the most seasons played at 26. George, at the time of his retirement, had scored more points than any other football player.

Is Terry Bradshaw in the Pro Football Hall of Fame?

Yes. The Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio in 1989, his first year of eligibility.

What is a DQB in college football?

DQB stands for Dual-Threat QB; It's a quarterback who can run or throw... Mike Vick PQB stands for Pro-Style QB; it's your classic pocket passer... Tom Brady

When did Pro Quarterback happen?

Pro Quarterback happened in 1992.

History of pro football?

The history of Pro football in the United States includes its first game in 1895. The first game was played in Pennsylvania and the quarterback was paid 10 dollars per game.

When was Pro Quarterback created?

Pro Quarterback was created in 1992-12.

Who are some famous leaders whose last name begin with U?

Johnny Unites (pro football quarterback)

What president was a professional football player?

Gerald Ford was a star college football player and had offers to play pro football but did not take them. No other president was close to professional caliber. ( Pro quarterback Jack Kemp ran for vice-president but did not win.)

Do the razorbacks play New Mexico?

Yes, the New Mexico Razor backs are a semi pro football team. They are the longest running team in New Mexico Semi pro football history.