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A team that violates the rules may be sanctioned under the Laws of the Game. Law 12 "Fouls and Misconduct" describes when sanctions may be issued.

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Yes you could. If the goalkeeper catches it, then the other team has possession. If it was saved or hit the woodwork and came back into the field of play, then a member of the other team could get the ball first. If a goal is scored then the other team restarts the game with the ball in their possession. If the ball goes wide, then there will be a kick out by the goal keeper.

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Q: Can a soccer team lose possession of the ball for not following the rules?
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That would be the team currently in possession of the ball

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Growing up in a community where almost everyone has been in soccer for at least a year(if they are new-this just tells you how we feel about soccer), we have always called this a "steal" or a "tackle"(the act of taking the ball). Im also pretty certain that that is what the professionals call it too.

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Because one, it's against the rules of soccer worldwide and two, the game would turn into rugby with a soccer ball.

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Yes. According to the (new) NFL rules a receiver must maintain possession of the ball all the way to the ground.

What did a soccer ball first look like?

A soccer ball got its name from England i am pretty sure.

How does the soccer ball shape help it in soccer?

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