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Yes but it's fairly unlikely considering that faster players are usually middle infielders and outfielders that spend a lot of time working on their speed. Also, catchers have a lot of wear and tear on their knees due to having to crouch all of the time.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Depending on your league rules. In general, the answer is yes, provided that your league has not adopted a "must slide rule".

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Q: Can a runner trying to score hurdle a catcher?
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When is it interference by the batter with the catcher when a runner from third base is trying to score?

When the batter is standing on the plate.

Is it legal in MLB for a runner to jump over the catcher to score at home plate?


What is a home plate collision?

A home plate collision is usually the case of a base runner that was on one of the bases trying to reach home plate in order to score while the other team's Catcher is trying to block home plate in order to prevent the base runner from touching home plate in an effort to prevent a run from scoring and the runner and the base runner usually slides into the Catcher that is blocking home plate which is what one example of a home plate collision is.

Can a runner on third score if the catcher goes to the mound to talk to the pitcher?

No, because a time out was granted to the defense allowing the catcher to go up to the pitcher.

Can a runner on third base score if the catcher walks to the mound to talk to the pitcher?

No, because the catcher asks the umpire for time out and is granted time out before he visits the pitcher. No runner may advance while time is out.

Does a runner from third score on a sac fly if a runner from first is thrown out trying to get back to first because he did not tag up and is the third out?


Is there a rule in the Major League Baseball rule book that allows a catcher to block home plate?

Yes. In Rule 7.06 of the MLB Rulebook it states: " The catcher, without the ball in his possession, has no right to block the pathway of the runner attempting to score. The base line belongs to the runner and the catcher should be there only when he is fielding a ball or when he already has the ball in his hand."

Can a runner score on a fly ball if the other runner doesn't?

Sure. The runner on 3rd base can tag up and score. The runner on 2nd may not even be able to advance to 3rd base, especially if the fly ball is to left field. To further clarify..a base runner may not pass another base runner who is ahead of, if your question means can a runner on 2nd or 1st, tag up and score if the runner on third doesn't, the simple answer is no...however, in a rare case they could. Let's assume that the runner on third tags up, but is thrown out at home and it is not the 3rd out of the inning, then the catcher either throws the ball away, or otherwise loses the ball, the other runner or runners may then advance and score. The batter, though, is not credited with a Sacrifice Fly, nor an RBI.

Is a passed ball that allows a runner at third base to score considered an error?

It is an error, charged to the catcher as a passed ball, however, it does not show up in the stats as an error.

Does a runner score from third base if bases are loaded and there is a catcher interference call?

If the batter who reached by via catcher's interference scores, his run would be unearned, however, it cannot be determined if any runner on base scored due to catcher's interference is earned or unearned until the inning is played out and recreated without the interference or any error that may have occurred.

When a batter hits a grand slam how many runs score?

4 Runs score. The Batter, The runner on 1st, The Runner on 2nd and the runner on 3rd.

If the bases are loaded with one out and the batter hits a ground ball - which hits his runner who is going from 1st to 2nd - does the runner on third advance to score?

I would say the runner is called out (would be Out #2) and the runner on third could advance to score. However, if there were two outs, the runner would be called out (Out #3) and therefore, the runner on 3rd would not be able to score (unless of course he crossed home plate before the runner got hit by the ground ball, then it would count)