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Any player can receive a lateral or more formerly a backward pass. So the player does not need to be an eligilable receiver to receive a backward pass, unlike the rules for a forward pass.

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Yes, but they will get penaltized

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Q: Can a runner lateral the ball back to a lineman in football?
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What are the offense position in football?

running back,quarterback,offensive lineman,wide receiver,tight end,full back

Who are the people in a football game?

the people in football games are quarterbacks, running back, linebacker, offensive lineman, defensive linemen, and wide receiver.

Which football term is defined as a lateral tossed from a quarterback to a running back?


Can a running back pitch the ball back to someone else past the line of scrimmage?

Yes. A backwards lateral is always allowed in football.

How do you run a screen pass in American football?

After the ball is snapped (hiked), a running back will slip out of the backfield (he may throw a quick block to fake the rushers) to a spot still behind the line of scrimmage. 2-or 3 lineman will throw a quick block & then release their man (they are blocking) & slide out to an area still behind the line of scrimmage but in front of the running back. The quarterback drops back (all of this happens simultaneously) & tosses a short pass to the running back (who yells to the lineman that he now has the ball with some sort of signal, ie; "GO") who then follows the lineman down the field. The lineman must not go downfield until they hear the signal or they will be hit with a penalty for ineligible man down field.

What term means back?

lateral means back

How far back can the offensive lineman be from the ball?

No more than 2 yards.

Have a defensive lineman that was about 5-11 225 bls who runs a 4.95 play line backer in the college level?

Deffinately I play high school football running back and if I saw that type of lineman I would laugh at him he is to tiny and would blown off the ball if anyone got their hands on him but now a blitzing lineback would be insane

Who had the nickname the refridgerater?

A lineman for the Chicago Bears football team, William Perry.

Why do defensive linemen have to put one hand on the ground in the NFL game?

They don't, there is no rule that states they have to. One reason the defensive lineman gets in a three point stance (one hand on the ground) is to put him on the same level as the offensive lineman, who also is in a three point stance. One of the keys of being able to keep the offensive lineman from controlling a defensive lineman is for the defensive lineman to have a lower center of gravity. If the offensive lineman can get low on a defensive lineman he can pretty much move him anywhere he wants. This is particularly important on running plays where the offensive line is to trying to open a 'hole' for the running back to run through.

In baseball can a runner on second run back to first while the runner on first goes to second?

NO. Base runner's must run the bases in the order they batted. If a runner overtakes another runner, he is automatically out.

Can lineman run the ball in the NFL?

Yes, but they can not receive forward passes