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YES... a runner can jump over a fielder in any state ...


It really also depends on the league as Little League, Cal Ripken Jr, Sandy Koffax, Babe Ruth and high school rules all state that a runner must "give himself up" to avoid a collision or slide. This is a rule implemented for the safety of amateurs, the only amateur league this rule does not apply is Legion Ball --- By jumping over a player you are putting not only yourself in harms way, but you are endangering the defender. This would be a judgment call for the umpire --- tigersy2k3

Well, along with tigersy2k3, it is a judgment call for the umpire. But yes you can jump over a tag. Dont matter what state.


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Q: Can a runner jump over a player to avoid a tag in Ohio?
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Can a runner jump over the catcher to get to home plate?

In professional baseball, yes. In some high school and college rules, no. Local/state high school associations make some special rules that are different than those used in professional baseball.

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In the Cal Ripken league can a runner jump over the catcher making a play at the plate if not where is it in the rule book?

Absolutely, the runner should be allowed to jump over ANY fielder if he so desires. As long as he is still on the base path and touches the plate without being tagged, he is safe. As a matter of fact, on the MLB Network the top play wasn't even a professional player.. I believe it was a school game that the runner jumped over the catcher, flipped, and touched the base without being tagged. The umpire knew the rules and called him safe.

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What is the rule number in little league where it states the runner can jump over the catcher to score with out marketing contact?

There is no rule allowing or disallowing the act, therefore it is legal. As a matter of fact, jumping over the catcher might be in compliance with rules requiring runners to avoid contact with a defensive player. *Some leagues have "Must Slide" rules at home to eliminate colisions, so be familiar with your local leagues

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