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Definitely not! Otherwise, there won't be an ineligible receiver down the field penalty. I'm not sure but in order to make ineligible receiver eligible, you need to report it to the referee before the play.

No offensive lineman is eligible to catch a pass. The QB can throw to anyone who isn't a center, tackle, or guard. If a player who ordinarily plays one of those positions lines up to catch a pass, he has to be reported to the referee. For example, in the 2003-4 Super Bowl, the Patriots were at the Panther's goal line, and before the play offensive lineman Mike Vrabel reported eligible, then lined up as a tight end and caught a touchdown pass on the play. If he had not reported, not only would the touchdown not have counted, but the Patriots would have been penalized for having an ineligible receiver downfield.

yes, but the ref must be informed of the play beforehand

No player wearing a uniform number 50-79 may be an eligible receiver without first informing the referee. Reporting to the ref must be this player's first order of business ... he must report before the huddle is started. If he doesn't immediately report the penalty is five yards for illegal substitution.

The above answers are right. I'd also add that only one ineligible player can declare himself eligible per play.

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9y ago
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13y ago

well he cant throw it up and catch it himself lol.

but if lets say he throws but its tipped/touched by someone else then he can

4 example if he tries 2 pass but its blocked by a dfensive lineman and goes back 2 him he can

its pretty rare but it happens sometimes

you can watch some examples on YouTube

Brett Farve's first throw was to "himself", he threw it and it was tipped right back to him.

Actually it happens more often then you would think. Brad Johnson is the only quarterback who has caught his own pass for a touchdown.

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14y ago

I can think of a couple of examples where a quarterback would catch a pass. One would be a fake punt or feild goal attempt where the kicker receives the hiked ball but passes it instead. The other would be a hand off to a running back who then passes the ball.

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16y ago

If he throws the ball and if it gets deflected and goes high in the air he can run up and catch it

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13y ago

of course there are teens who can do a 100yrd throw but most cant throw that far and keep aim so you want see it often in a game

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15y ago

Anyone except one of the five primary offensive linemen is allowed to throw the ball in an NFL game, as long as it is thrown from behind the line of scrimmage.

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14y ago

Yes, as long as the quarterback doesn't pass the line of scrimmage. Once past the line of scrimmage, you cannot pass the ball forward

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13y ago

Yes Anybody on offense can make a touchdown and if your defense does good anyone on defense can get a touch down. So basically anybody on the entire team can get a touchdown.

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