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It is a base. Under rule 2.0 of the MLB official rule book, " A BASE is one of four points which must be touched by a runner in order to score a run; more usually applied to the canvas bags and the rubber plate which mark the base points."

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

If the batter swings or makes an attempt at a bunt then yes.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

No, they can't be on or blocking the line that aligns the bases

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Home plate is in fair territory.

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Q: Can a pitch that lands on home plate be a strike?
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If a ball is pitched and it crosses the batter at his eyes and then drops into the strike zone is it a strike?

Yes. The umpire calls the pitch by determining if any part of the ball crossed any part of the plate within the strike zone. If the pitch does not cross home plate, the umpire calls a ball. If the pitch crosses any part of home plate, the umpire determines the height of the ball as it crossed the plate. If the beight is within the strike zone, it is called a strike. If it is outside the strike zone, it is called a ball.

If a batter swings at a pitch and the pitch hits the batter is it a strike?

Yes as a matter of fact it is. If the bat swings half way past home plate then its a strike.

When a batter gets hit by a strike pitch leaning over home is that interferance plate My son hit two players today because they over home plate.?

It's up to the umpire's discretion. They can call the pitch a strike even if it hits someone leaning over the plate.

Strike zones in softball?

That space over home plate between the batters front knee and back shoulder as they stand at the plate. It doesn't matter where the ball lands behind the plate. Check with your specific league as to what constitutes a strike. In many ASA slow pitch leagues, a strike must arch between 6' and 12' and land within three feet behind the plate. A ball that hits the plate is not considered a strike. The zone that is mentioned above is primarily for baseball and fast-pitch softball since those balls will have a more straight trajectory, whereas the slow-pitch softball will be coming down at an angle and this zone may not be accurate. Ultimately, the umpire will determine what is a strike and what is a ball, so you may need to adjust to how they are calling balls and strikes.

Is there a legal pitch where the ball bounces off the ground before it goes over the home plate?

Well No, but remember if he swings its a strike The pitch is legal but it cannot be called a strike unless the batter swings and misses or hits the ball foul. The batter may swing at a ball that hits the ground before home plate and if he hits it fair play goes on. In other words, if a batter were to hit a home run on a pitched ball that hit the ground before home plate, it would be ruled a home run.

If a batter steps on home plate to avoid being hit by a pitch is the pitch a strike?

One Answer:Before the hit yes. After no. the home plate is in fair territory between the batters box and first base so it is often stepped on, however the batter must hit the ball while inside the batters box. Correct Answer:There is no rule in MLB prohibiting a batter from stepping on home plate.

How far behind the home plate is the strike zone?

A pitched ball is ruled either a ball or strike based on whether or not it has passed over home plate. Extend the surface of home plate upwards, and that is the zone through which the ball must pass. If a pitched ball does not pass over home plate, but is still caught directly behind home plate (curve ball) it is a ball.

Is the black part of home plate a strike?

Technically yes, but some umpires dont consider it a strike, or they don't see it as a strike.

Is the beveled black strip around the baseball field home plate part of the strike zone?

No, the "black" is NOT part of home plate. Home plate is 17 inches wide. Some home-plate models have a black edge that extends beyond that 17 inches. The utility of that black edge is to protect the white edge of the actually plate from chipping.

Is there a 3 inch right or left of home plate for the pitcher's strike zone?


How will you determine if the ball pitched is a ball or strike?

A "strike" can be earned by a batter in one of a few ways. First, any time a batter swings at a ball and misses, regardless of the location of the pitch, a strike is earned. Second, a strike is earned when a foul ball is hit - unless the foul ball is hit with two strikes have already been earned. In this case, the pitch is simply a foul ball and is not counted as a strike. Finally, if a batter does not hit a ball that is delivered within the "strike zone," the pitch is a strike. The "strike zone" is a three-dimensional area with top of the zone halfway between the batter's shoulders and top of his uniform pants, the bottom of the zone is the hollow of his knee, the right and left boundaries are the edges of home plate. When a batter records three strikes, he has earned an out. A "ball" is any pitch that comes over home plate outside of the strike zone. The only exception to this rule is if the batter swings at such a pitch. In that case, it is automatically a strike, regardless of the position of the pitch. When a batter is delivered four "balls," he earns a "base on balls," a free pass to first base. Since the batter can walk to first, this is also known as a "walk."

What team had a pond in there pitch?

There are no teams that have a pond in their pitch. A pitch is done by the pitcher and the pitcher throws towards home plate. There are no ponds between the pitcher's mound and home plate. Even if the pitch goes past the catcher, there are no ponds behind the plate either. It is possible, however, for some of the landscaping in home run territory to contain a pond.