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It is possible that you could be injured in Cheerleading because of there not being mats. There should always be mats or a springboard floor in cheerleading, for the athletes to practice on. If at your gym there are not, I suggest you remove your daughter from the squad immediately

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16y ago

U can get hurt doing gymnastics, flying, basing, and over working your body! U can get hurt in pretty much any sport!!!!!!!

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Q: Can a person be injured in cheerleading because of no mats?
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Where can one find cheerleading mats?

You can find cheerleading mats on Ebay. On Ebay you will find great deals on Cheerleading Equipment and Accessories. You can shop on Ebay with great confidence in finding a quality product.

Does anyone have any cheerleading mats?

There are many companies that sell cheering/gymnastics mats. Here are a few: Tumbl Trak Tiffin Mats EZ Flex Mats

What is the best surface for a cheerleading jump?

Mats, or a gymnastics floor-tumbling area.

How is cheerleading dangerous?

The dangerous elements of Cheerleading are Stunting (lifting or throwing a girl in the air) and Tumbling (gymnastics). The risk is less if you use mats and trained coaches

Should you replace Mats Zuccarello who is injured with Mike Richards?

It would probably be wise to replace an injured player, but you can never know for sure.

What are Cheerleading Safety Rules?

for a full set of rules visit

Is cheerleading always safe?

No, cheerleading is not always safe. In fact cheering is the most dangerous sport in the world topping even football and hockey. But, great precautions are taken to keep athletes safe. Mats should always be used, and in every stunt there should be spotters.

How do people get hurt in cheerleading?

People get hurn mostly falling out of stunts, or getting fallen on by a flyer. They can also get hurt tumbling. Many injuries can be preventes by using mats.

What types of cheerleading stunts are safety?

To be honest, there is no such thing as a "safe" cheerleading stunt. Whenever you pick/propel someone into the air there is a possibility of something going wrong and people getting hurt. Using mats decreases the risk of serious injury. The lower the stunt is to the ground, the safer it it

Where can a person find inexpensive chair mats?

You can find inexpensive chair mats at office supply stores such as Staples or OfficeMax. They both sell chair mats that consumers may purchase.

Should people use exercise mats when bodybuilding?

Exercise mats are helpful when you first begin as they add some cushion to your joints. However, you should only use mats that are signified as appropriate for bodybuilding to avoid mats that might slip or trip the person.

Are Floor Mats standard in every Automobile?

Not all vehicles are sold with floor mats. It usually depends on the dealership/person you purchase the vehicle from.