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No fielder can use any part of the uniform to catch a batted ball. In fact, if a a fielder touches a fair batted ball with his cap, mask or any part of his uniform detached from its proper place [Rule 7.05(b)], or if a fielder deliberately throws his glove and touches a fair batted ball [Rule 7.05(c)], the runner is entitled to 3 bases without liability to be put out. And it's two bases if it's a throwen ball.

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Can you wave off a fair catch?

No, once a fair catch signal is made by a player, the opposing team must give the receiving player the opportunity to catch the ball without interference. If a fair catch is signaled, the receiving team cannot advance the ball and the play is dead as soon as the ball is caught.

In ncaa football may player do a fair catch and the touch the ball after letting it hit the ground?

Yes. When a player signals for a "fair catch," this only means they must be given the opportunity to catch the ball without the threat of being hit, with the stipulation that they cannot advance it. Once the ball hits the ground, the opportunity has been given and the fair catch is off. The player may then touch the ball, advance it, etc.

If a player attempts to catch a pop up while standing in both fair and foul territory?

It does not matter if you catch a ball in fair or foul territory it is still considered an out.

What must occur for a player to advance a punt in which he made a signal for a fair catch?

He must muff (he touches the ball but does not completely possess the ball) the ball.

How do you call fair catch for a punt return on the madden 05 PC cd-rom software?

In order to call a fair catch for a punt return on the Madden 05 PC cd-rom software you need to do the following:Press the left mouse button on the screen when the ball is puntedHold the left mouse button down until the ball is almost at the playerRelease the left mouse button and the player should catch the ballAfter you have completed these steps the player should catch the ball and make a fair catch.

Player attempts to catch a pop up and touches the ball in foul territory and it hits the ground in fair territory?

Once a batted ball is touched by a defensive player in foul territory, it is ruled a foul ball regardless if said batted ball returns to fair territory.

How do you signal a fair catch in football?

While the punted ball is in the air the returner will raise his right arm straight up above his head and wave his arm and hand from side to side to signify that he is about to make a fair catch.

Where is a fair catch ball spotted?

When a punted ball is 'fair caught' by a receiver, the ball is spotted at the mark that the receiver caught the ball.

Can a foul ball be blown fair in baseball?

yes as long as it lands fair it is a fair ball

What is the correct definition of a fair catch?

during a punt the receiving team may choose to fair catch the ball. The player signals this to the other team and the refs by waiving his hand high in the air before he catches the ball. When he does this and then catches the ball the play is over and the offense comes out and starts from the exact spot he caught the ball. No defensive player is allowed to hit a player who signals fair catch. If a player calls a faircatch and then touches but does not catch the ball the play continues and the kicking team may get the ball and then will have a first down.

Can you fair catch a kick off in the NFL?

Yes. Any kick, punt or kickoff, can be fair caught. One major difference between fair catching a punt and fair catching a kickoff is that the kickoff is a free kick. Where a punt returner deep in his own territory may call for a fair catch and let the ball bounce on the ground in the hope that the ball will bounce into the end zone for a touchback, the kick returner must catch the ball due to the fact that a kickoff is a free kick and the team that recovers a free kick is awarded possession of the ball.

Is the ball fair or foul if it is a line drive and you are in fair territory but reach in foul territory to catch it and touch the ball?

Once the ball is past first or third base, the ONLY consideration is where the BALL is located -- fair or foul -- when it FIRST comes in contact with either the ground or a player. If the player is almost entirely in fair territory when he first grabs the ball, but the glove that touches the ball is in foul territory, then it's a foul ball. "If the ball touches a fielder in-flight, the judgment is made at where the ball was when it was touched, NOT from where it may land after a miss, or drop of the ball, by a fielder. The position of the fielder is irrelevant."