Yes, as long as he/she takes off behind the 10-foot line, the libero is allowed to spike the ball.
No their job is purely defense
There is a "back-court violation" This happens when a back-court player or a Libero, jumps after the attack line to hit the ball or if a Libero spikes a ball that is over the height of the net.
No a player cannot but there is a loophole. If the player starts their attack behind the 10 foot line, and hits the ball and lands in front of the 10foot line, that is okay. But if they start in front of the 10 foot line, that is not okay and will result in the loss of that point.
A Libero is a volleyball player specialized in defensive skills. The libero is allowed to "sub" in and out for a back-row player at any time without stopping the play. They are known for their defensive abilities. They are only allowed to forearm pass the ball when they are in front of the attack line. They are not allowed to play in the front row. Liberos are signified on the court by wearing jerseys that contrast to the colors of their teammates. Libero rules vary depending on the level of play. In the high school level of girl's volleyball, liberos can serve. In club however in juniors, liberos cannot serve. They may sub behind the ten foot line after the play has concluded without going to the substitution line. A libero cannot attack the ball or else it is considered a "back row attack". They may hit they ball but may not jump above the net. If they hand set the ball in front of the ten foot line the hitter may not jump above the net to attack the ball or else it is also considered a back row attack, which is illegal.
yes this is true.
Back row players can only stay in their respective zones. They cannot cross in front of other players (advanced rules) and can only stay behind the 10 foot line. The libero who can only play back row, cannot attack from the back row but they can send a ball over.
A libero is basically a defensive specialist that only plays back row. They are allowed to serve, and attack the ball over the net but it has to be before the 10 foot line. The libero is expected to give good passes and digs to the setter (who gets second ball).
In 1998 the libero player was introduced internationally, the term meaning free in Italian; the NCAA introduced the libero in 2002. The libero is a player specialized in defensive skills: they must wear a contrasting jersey color from their teammates and cannot block or attack the ball when it is entirely above net height. When the ball is not in play, the libero can replace any back-row player, without prior notice to the officials. His or her replacements also do not count against the substitution limit each team is allowed per set, although NCAA rules only allow the libero to be replaced by the player whom s/he replaced. The libero may function as a setter only under certain restrictions. If s/he makes an overhand set, s/he must be standing behind (and not stepping on) the 3-meter line; otherwise, the ball cannot be attacked above the net in front of the 3-meter line. An underhand pass is allowed from any part of the court. Furthermore, a libero is not allowed to serve, according to international rules, with the exception of the NCAA women's volleyball games, where a 2004 rule change allows the libero to serve, but only in a specific rotation. gypsy queen
a libero is the backrow defense specialist, they are allowed to sub for any backrow player when the ball isn't in play without previous permission from the refs. they wear a different color jersey. they actually sub in for front row hitters who aren't as strong in passing, when they rotate to the back row.
an attack hit in volley ball is when you spike the ball over and did it right from the attack line aggressively!!
The 10ft line is commonly known as the attack line. This line separates back court from front court. No back court player may be in the front court and attack the ball when it is completely above the net. They may jump from behind this line as long as no part of their foot is in contact with the line and attack the ball.
In 1998 the libero player was introduced internationally, the term meaning free in Italian; the NCAA introduced the libero in 2002. The libero is a player specialized in defensive skills: they must wear a contrasting jersey color from their teammates and cannot block or attack the ball when it is entirely above net height. When the ball is not in play, the libero can replace any back-row player, without prior notice to the officials. His or her replacements also do not count against the substitution limit each team is allowed per set, although NCAA rules only allow the libero to be replaced by the player whom s/he replaced. The libero may function as a setter only under certain restrictions. If s/he makes an overhand set, s/he must be standing behind (and not stepping on) the 3-meter line; otherwise, the ball cannot be attacked above the net in front of the 3-meter line. An underhand pass is allowed from any part of the court. Furthermore, a libero is not allowed to serve, according to international rules, with the exception of the NCAA women's volleyball games, where a 2004 rule change allows the libero to serve, but only in a specific rotation. gypsy queen