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the goal posts are the same as referees; they're considered part of the field. For example, a pass that is incomplete by hitting the ground is ruled a dead ball. So if you hit the referee with the ball with a pass it is a dead ball same with the goal post.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

yes... they can its happened to me before

No. A scrimmage kick can only be recovered by the receiving team. It's exactly the same as a punt: If the kicking team is first to touch the ball, that constitutes an illegal touch. The only way the kicking team could maintain possession after kicking a field goal is if:

  • The kick was no good, and the receiving team fields the ball and then loses possession.
  • The kick was no good, and the receiving team touches the ball first within the field of play and beyond the line of scrimmage.
  • The kick is taken on first, second, or third down, is blocked, doesn't cross the line of scrimmage, and the kicking team recovers.

If a team caught its own field goal kick, the ball would be dead where the catch was made, and the opposing team would put it into play from that spot.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Only if the kicked ball doesn't go beyond the line of scrimmage or a defensive player touches the ball after it crosses the line of scrimmage.

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βˆ™ 18y ago


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Q: Can a field goal attempt that hits the crossbar and caroms back into the field of play be legally caught by an offensive lineman in the end zone for a touchdown?
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