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If the kicking team legally recovers an onside attempt, the ball is dead, the clock is stopped, and the kicking team gets the ball for an offensive series at the spot of recovery.

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Q: Can an onside kick be advanced if kicking team recovers it?
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What is the probability of kicking team recovering an onside kick?


Do you rekick if an onside kick is too short?

no, if the kicking team recovers it and it's too short it's a penalty, but the receiving team can pick up the ball no matter how long it was kicked

Is it considered a turnover when an onside kick does not travel 10 yards but is touched by the receiving team and the kicking team recovers the ball?

i dont think so because they never had possesion of the ball.

Can the kicking team on a kick off hit a man on an onside kick before the ball is touched by receiving team?


If an onside kick goes ten yards can the kicking team gain possession without it touching the receiving team?


What year was the kicking team no longer allowed to advance an on sides kick?

A kick off is a live ball and can be advanced wether it is an onsides or regular kick off did you know that on a regular kick off if the kicking team gets the ball before the receiving team they regain possesion and if it is in the endzone that is a touchdown To my knowledge, the kicking team has never been able to advance an onside kick. They can recover after 10 yards, of course, but they can't advance the ball after recovery. They simply take possession at the spot of the recovery.

Can you fair catch an onside kick in football?

Yes. However, according to NFL Rules: " If ball hits ground or is touched by member of kicking team in flight, fair catch signal is off and all rules for a kicked ball apply. " Therefore, if the onside kick touches the ground, it may not be fair caught. Since the vast, vast majority of onside kicks are on the ground, it would be a rare sight to see an onside kick fair caught.

What is the maximum yardage for an onside kick At what point can the kicking team no longer take possession of a kicked ball but only down the ball?

The rules for an onside kick are no different than for any other type of kickoff. On a kickoff, the kicking team can always take possession of the ball as long as it has traveled ten yards. You might be confusing kickoffs with punts. On a punt, the kicking team can only down the ball unless the receiving team touches it first.

What if the punter in football misses a kick?

If a punter misses a kick it is a live ball. If the kicking team recovers, they turn the ball over on downs. (Assuming they are unable to recover the ball and covet.) If the defending team recovers it plays out the same way as a traditional fumble would.

Is a Lost onside kick a turnover?


What is a free kick in the nfl?

A "free kick" is any kick that is not a scrimmage kick. This includes kickoffs, or kicks that put the ball in play following a safety or a fair catch. A "scrimmage" kick, on the other hand, is a kick that takes place on a regular down or a try, when the ball must be snapped. This includes (most) punts, field-goal attempts and PATs. Kickoffs cannot be punted, but any other type of free kick can be punted, place-kicked or drop-kicked.

Can you do an onside kick without telling the other team?

yea you are not suppose to tell them but the way you line up for an onside kick they will know already.