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Q: Can a cheerleading captain be a flyer?
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What is a female flyer?

A female flyer in cheerleading is the person at the top of a mount or usually called a pyramid.

What is a flyer for a cheerleading?

A flyer is the person being lifted/thrown into the air when in process of do in a stunt she/he is one out of 5 girls and one of the most important ----

Who leads a cheerleading squad?

Uh, the captain.

Should I be a tumbler or a flyer in my cheerleading squad?

Umm... I think you're confused. You can be both. Flyer are the person flying in stunts and tumblers do all of the flipping. You can do both

What is a cradel used cheerleading?

Acradle is a dismoutn from a stunt where the flyer is tossed and caught in the seated position

How light do you have to be a flyer for cheerleading?

It doesn't matter how much you weigh. It depends on if you have good balance and if you have strong enough bases. I know because I am a cheerleader and I have been a back spot base front spot and a flyer for cheerleading. You just need teamwork and strong cheerleaders!:)

What is a basket toss?

A basket toss is a cheerleading stunt in which three or more bases toss a flyer into the air.

What is a build for cheerleading?

a build is when there are five people a front spotter a back spotter two bases and one flyer.

How many girls are in a stunt group for cheerleading?

Two bases, a backspot, a frontspot, and a flyer. So, 5 in all.

Is being a flyer in cheerleading good or bad?

Being anything in cheerleading is a good thing. You are privileged to be doing cheer as a sport because it takes a lot of hard work and determination to be anything in cheer. Being a flyer, everything is put on you to make all the stunts look really pretty by keeping a tight shape and locking out your knees and arms. Being a flyer you don't have to do a lot of the work just the icing on the top. Without the flyer there would be no stunt.

How can you become a Level 5 flyer in cheerleading in a year?

By practicing every day to improve and become a level 5 cheerleader

Should the cheerleading captain date the quarterback?

The cheer captain can date whoever she wants to date, and same with the quarterback.