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No! The runner may stop, but not retreat to home plate. There is no possible way to be safe at home, so this would be considered abandoning the base path. It is possible between all other bases, but not in this situation. 1-3 are bases one can occupy, home is a plate which cannot be occupied.

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Q: Can a batter run backward in order to not get tagged out on the way to first base?
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What is the term power train mean?

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How many possible ways can a batter be put out?

fly out ground out (force out) tagged out strike out -called -swinging -dropped third strike, thrown out at first -foul bunt for strike 3 hit by the ball in fair territory before a fielder touches it double hitting out of the baseline obstructing a throw (ball hit to catcher, batter runs in fair territory and is hit by the throw) batting out of order using an illegal bat (cork, pine tar, etc) running the bases in the wrong order (also, missing a base)

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Batting around the order happens when the 10th batter comes to the plate (actually the first batter up in the line-up)

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No. The player would have completed his at-bat and the next player in the roster would be first.

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Backward Sequence..

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Animals may be tagged, tracked and observed in order to ESTIMATE population.

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When there isn't a runner behind them forcing them to run. For example, if a runner is on 2nd base but there is no one on 1st base, the runner must be tagged on their way to 3rd in order to get them out. However, if there IS a runner on 1st, the 3rd baseman can simply touch the base because it is a force out.