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The order is set up by the coach for each game.

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Q: Using a perpetual batting order does the batter on the home team that hits the winning run in is he the first batter in the next game or would he be the last batter in the next game?
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Related questions

If a batter hits the winning run in is the batter first up to bat in the following game when using a perpetual order?

No. The player would have completed his at-bat and the next player in the roster would be first.

Sentence using the word perpetual?

Perpetual motion machines have, to date, always been a disappointment.

Where can one buy a perpetual calendar?

You can buy perpetual calendar anywhere by using online shopping. there are many online shops available.

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The universe is perpetual as we know of so far.

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Why are perpetual machines impossible to build?

Perpetual machines violate the first or second law of thermodynamics by creating energy out of nothing or using it in a completely efficient manner. These laws state that energy cannot be created or destroyed, and there will always be some energy lost as heat in any process. As a result, perpetual motion or perpetual machine is not feasible in reality.

How does a perpetual inventory system is differ from a physical inventory system?

A perpetual inventory system relies on using documents on an active, day-to-day basis for a precise report at any time; a physical inventory system is a more rarely-used approach to doing an actual count using the goods to document reports; it is done periodically to confirm the theoretical numbers offered by the perpetual report.

When using a perpetual inventory system why are discounts credited to merchandise inventory?

The discounts reduce the cost of the merchandise inventory.

Describe using word the probability of winning the the lottery?

The probability of winning a lottery depends on the lottery. The probability of winning the jackpot is extremely small, though the probability of winning something is not quite as tiny.

How is math related to baseball?

Baseball is very much math related. All of the player stats are mathematical. Managers use this math to decide batting orders, pitching rotations, when to substitute, bunt, steal, intentionally walk, etc.

What is a sentence using 'sanguine'?

"The reform candidate was not sanguine about his chances of winning."

What is a sentence using the word sympathy?

The winning team had sympathy for the losers.