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It is not legal under NCAA rules:

Art. 3. The ball shall be out of bounds when it passes over the backboard

from any direction.

In NBA the rule is slightly different:

b. Any ball that rebounds or passes directly behind the backboard, in either direction, from any point is considered out-of-bounds.

Note the word 'directly'. Here's the official interpretation from NBA vice president of referee operations Joe Borgia in 2009:

"Think of the backboard as a long tunnel that goes straight back," Borgia said. "If the ball goes through that tunnel, it's a violation. If you looked at Rondo's shot, it was an arching shot up and over the backboard. It never passes through the tunnel."

This is why Bird's shot is waived off while other shots that flew over the backboard but not from behind the backboard are valid.

Bird's shot is legal under FIBA rules.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Yes, as long as the ball bounces back towards the free throw line. There is a plane not only on the top of the back board but on the sides as well and if the ball bounces fully past it on the top or the side it is considered out of bounds.

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15y ago

Sure you can shoot the ball over the backboard but it will be out of bounds and the other team will get posession.

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15y ago

as log as the player's feet remain in bounds and the ball is not obstructed by the shot clock or the top of the backboard the basked is legal.

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14y ago

Yes, it is. As long as the ball does not hit the back of the backboard or the shot clock, the shot is valid.

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11y ago

yes but you have to be tall and have great sturture and to be sure try to hit the red box on the goal but make it a little bit soft so the ball will bounce into the hoop

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12y ago

yes but only if it hits the rim

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Q: Can a basketball legally hit the top of the backboard?
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What is the purpose of the square painted on the basketball backboard?

It helps with shooting because if you shoot and hit one of the top corners its supose to go in EVERY time

Does the basketball become dead when it is on the top of the backboard?

Yes. When the ball remains out of play the clock is stopped.

What is the call if the basketball hits the shot clock?

Out of bounds, same if it hits the very top or back of the backboard!

Can anyone touch the top of an official basketball backboard?

yes ed book did it by jumping and he is 2.3 meters tall

Is it legal if a basketball bounces over the top of the backboard?

no because u have to use the back board to make it some times!

What is the distance from the bottom of the backboard to the rim?


How far is basketball court from the basketball hoop?

10 feet from the floor to the top of the goal (hoop).

Can the basketball go over the goal and roll back in when playing?

no it can not. once it hits or goes over the top of the backboard it is officially out of bounds and its the other teams ball

What to aim at in basketball?

If you are on the left side of the ring then the best way to go is to aim for the top right corner of the backboard. If you are positioned in the middle and in line with the ring then you aim for the middle of the top of the ring. If you are on the left of the ring then its best to aim for the top left corner of the backboard. Try these at home and you are most likely to get more of your shots in and enjoy this little tip. I know this because I'm a state basketball player and this is the proper way and always works.

If the ball goes over the backboard in the NBA is it out of bounds?

The Ball is still in play. Back surface is the only out-of-bounds part of the backboard. (Supporting elements, such as pipes or poles or arms, etc. are obviously not part of the backboard or rim and are out of bounds.)The ball traveling OVER the top of the backboard is OUT of bounds. I believe this rule was put in place because Wilt Chamberlain would score from the other side of the board.Some sources say that if the backboard is 'fan shaped' or arched top, then the over-top rule does not apply, but does if the backboard is rectangle.It's amazing to me how many times this happens at the gym and players call it out of bounds. Cmon! You gotta know the rules if you want to play the game. No one ever knows this rule, but here it is:Rule 4, Section I - c. All five sides of the backboard (top, bottom, both sides and front face) are in play. As long as the shot stays on the top of the backboard, it is still in bounds. When it falls through the basket, the goal counts. But once the ball crosses over the backboard - regardless of where it comes to rest - it is out of bounds.

Is the top of the backboard out of bounds in high school?


How high is the backboard top?

Width: 6 feet (72 inches) Height: 3.5 feet (42 inches)