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Most are waterproof, some are not. The ones that are not will fly wobbly and weigh too much if you get them wet.

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I have and didn't have a problem.

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Q: Can I get my Wilson volleyball wet?
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How tall is Wilson the Volleyball?

Wilson the Volleyball is 22 cm.

What did Tom Hanks name the soccer ball in the movie Castaway?

Wilson. And if you didn't know that, then you must have been living under a rock for the past 20 years. It's like the most iconic friendship between a man and a volleyball since, well, ever.

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In Tom Hanks' 2000 movie Cast Away what is the name of the volleyball?

The volleyball was named Wilson as in the name of the manufacturer of the ball.

What is the the name of the mute character played by a baseball in the film Castaway?

Another AnswerThe name of the character is Wilson, as a tribute to Tom Hanks's wife, Rita Wilson. That ball however was a volleyball, not a baseball.

What logo has a red box with white arches?

Wilson volleyball logo

Are you in the movie castaway?

Yes, if your name is Tom Hanks, or you are a volleyball named Wilson.

In the film Cast Away what is the name of the football?

it's a volleyball, and Chuck names it WilsonIt was a soccer ball, and it was Wilson--the brand name.No, it actually was a volleyball

What is the first name of volleyball?

I'm guessing you mean the volleyball in the Tom Hanks film Cast Away? In which case it was Wilson.

How much does a volleyball costt at Wal-Mart?

It depends on the volleyball but most are in the range of $9-$50. The less expensive ones are the Wilson volleyballs and the Spalding Volleyballs

What brand of volleyball hits the farthest when its served?

Wilson volleyballs are the best because the are filled with 10% of helium and 90% of air.

What would Chuck Noland have done with Wilson if he had not lost his volleyball at sea in 'Castaway'?

He would have brought it back with him and kept it as a souvenir from his days of being stranded on the island.