The first hoop ever was not necessarily a hoop. It was a peach basket. Players would run up and down and put the ball in the basket for two points.
cercle de basket-ball
Its possible!
In basketball you try to throw the ball into the hoop(basket) so that is why you use a ball in basketball.
The first basketball hoop was a peach basket.
No basket ball hoops are bigger because they user bigger balls .
a dunk is a dunk as long as you jump to the hoop and slam the basket ball in the hoop if it misses then its not
a hoop and a ball shoot that ball when he seen it he want to be a inventor in springfeild ,massachetts in usa on the year of 1891
In the NBA, the hoop is 10 feet above the ground.
In the NBA, the hoop is 10 feet above the ground.
A basket, is when they make a 'goal'. The hoop is what the ball goes through.
jump roping/track/hola hoop/ basket ball/ softball