NFL teams average ages currently range from 24.9 years to 27.2 years. That puts the average age of an NFL player at approximately 26 years old.
The Dallas Cowboys joined the National Football League as an expansion team in 1960, which means that 2011 is their 52nd season.
The professional life of an NFL quarterback is short. The average length of an NFL quarterback's career is only 4.4 years.
NFL Quarterback Club was created in 1994.
38 years Old
The average quarterback in the NFL makes about $1,970,982 per year. This can be higher if they have performance incentives where team or individual statistics can increase their salary. ChaCha!
the average age is 40
National Football League Quarterback Challenge ended in 2007.
Steve DeBerg played with the Atlanta Falcons at the age of 44 in 1998.
Brett Farve is currently the oldest active quarterback in the NFL at 40 years of age.