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Q: Are you more likely to die playing football or baseball?
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Sports that uses sidelines are baseball, criket, football, soccer and more.

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Is there more football teams or baseball teams?

There is more football teams than baseball teams, football has 32 and baseball has 30

Whats better baseball or football?

Football is more popular than baseball by like 20%.

Who gets paid more football or baseball?

Baseball players probably make more money because their contracts are guaranteed.

What is better baseball or football?

Baseball takes more talent in my mind than Football by a long shot!

Do more kids play baseball or football?

hate to say it but football

Does baseball make more money than football?

You would think that football is. But if you look at the whole picture they are about the same. Yeah people watch football more then baseball, but there is also baseball that people watch. But I also think that football gets a little more money because it the seats in the stadium are probably more then in baseball. But who knows. I think that they are the same.