having leadership qualities, encouraging, experience, controlling a team, and being there for one another. Often times, cheerleders spend so much time together they consider themselves one big family.
you have to attend all games and practices.
If you go to usasf.net they have rules and regulations for competitive Cheerleading if that's what you're looking for!
The rules of cheerleading are under the rule of the WIAA, even though cheerleading technically isn't a sport.
Uh, the captain.
The definition of 'sport' is: "A physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively." Cheerleading is a physical activity, cheerleading is governed by a set of rules, and cheerleading is competitive. Therfefore, cheerleading is a sport.
I don't see whynot
The role of a captain is different for each individual squad. It is always best to talk to your coach about what exactly will be your responsibilities as a captain. In general, a captain will be a communication link between a coach and their team. For instance, if the coach needs to remind the team to bring their poms to practice, they could tell the captain(s) who would then be responsible for letting the rest of the team know. Another duty of a cheerleading captain could be to make sure all members of the squad are on task, but the most important role the captain plays is by being a leader. The captain must ALWAYS do the right thing.
itdoesn't really matter if your the captain or not, you should get along with others and focus on team spirit. You can go over stunts, cheers, dance, etc.
The cheer captain can date whoever she wants to date, and same with the quarterback.
i would switch the two around and see if that works out
Basic cheerleading rules: smile at all times. point your toes at every jump. never drop your flyer no matter how she comes down. no stunting on a gym floor. hair must be up. no jewlery.
YESS in many ways tumbling stunting and jumping
for a full set of rules visit www.usasf.net