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Your question assumes that there are physical characteristics that correspond to different skin colors. The idea that some races are endowed with certain physical traits is a patently racist notion.

There are no differences, and if African players do seem like they have more endurance, one might only presume that it is a by-product of the fact that many African countries are much warmer, and that players who train there might have slightly better endurance. If white players were to train in different, more harsh climates, then surely they would also share the same benefits.

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Q: Are there any differences in the endurance levels of black and white soccer players?
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Soccer Players. The field is much larger, and endurance is a much larger factor in soccer. Soccer games are also MUCH longer than basketball games, no matter what level you're playing in. Also, there are only 3 substitutions allowed the whole soccer match as opposed to unlimited in basketball. Basketball players run an average of 5 miles per game while soccer players run 7 miles per game.

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What sports use the number eleven?

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