

Are the rules in netball fair?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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12y ago

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The rules are fair. Because if someone catches the ball when they were running and they take one step but they take another step, the umpire closest to the person on the other side of the line. The umpire will say, "Stepping. Free pass to the other team." And it will probs be the WD, who would take the ball and take their free pass. I hope you understand this. If you need more info here is some rules:

1. No taking more then one step when you have the ball in your full grasp.

2. No pushing, shoving, or touching a player with the ball in their grasp.

3. No passing certain lines, depending on the letters on your bib.

4. No swearing at the other players, umpires, the crowd or anyone else, or you will be sent off.

Hope I helped u.

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you could search the internet for the rules and let them watch netball games on you tube. And if they are in year 6 or bellow you can let them play in school netball.