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Q: What netball rules have changed over the years?
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When did basketball become netball?

Netball came from basketball so was originally called basketball but over the years the name has changed just like the rules!

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the rules

How netball has changed over the years?

Netball has changed very much over the years. a couple of changes are; - the women's outfits. when netball first started, the women's outfits restricted them from carrying out certain moves. they couldn't run or dribble in the outfits so that is partly the reason they changed the rules to no running in possesion of the ball. - the net. the first time netball was played (at Madame Osterburg's College in 1895), they used baskets for shooting. when a ball was thrown into the basket, the umpire had to go and receive the ball because there wasn't a hole in the bottom. nowadays, the net is on a pole and has a hole in the bottom. hope i helped :)

How has science changed netball over the years?

netball has changed very much over the years. a couple of changes are; - the women's outfits. when netball first started, the women's outfits restricted them from carrying out certain moves. they couldn't run or dribble in the outfits so that is partly the reason they changed the rules to no running in possesion of the ball. - the net. the first time netball was played (at Madame Osterburg's College in 1895), they used baskets for shooting. when a ball was thrown into the basket, the umpire had to go and receive the ball because there wasn't a hole in the bottom. nowadays, the net is on a pole and has a hole in the bottom. hope i helped :)

Was netball different to how it is now?

Netball was originally derived from basketball and was first known as "women's basketball". It originally just included basic rules and the separate zones and more rules have been added and standardized over time. Most countries that are involved in netball standardize their rules every 4 years to keep up to date with the latest trends.

How have the rules and the game of basketball changed over the years and when did these changes start occurring?

Dec. 21, 1891.

How has curling changed over time?

The rules and equipment have changed over time.The only thing that hasn't changed is the spirit of it.

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many baseball rules have changed over the years. this includes new rules such as no steroids in baseball and rule changes (atone time it was 7 ball for a walk not 4)

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yes it has changed over many years

How long casey Williams has been playing netball?

over 15 years..

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Because people's interest has changed over the years.

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Wave rock has changed over the years because it has changed colour