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Q: Are the heights of a basketball ring the same as a netball ring?
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Why Clara Gregory invented netball?

she invented it so that woman can play a sport that is basically the same to basketball.

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What did the name netball come from?

Netball is a shooting game, but the question is why is netball is called netball, because in netball your throwing the ball in the net so that's called net and the ball that your playing with is called ball so that is ball Net ball

Are the dimensions of a netball hoop and basketball hoop the same?

No basket ball hoops are bigger because they user bigger balls .

Is the basketball hoop the same size for women and men basketball?

Yes, the ring is the same size for women as for men. However, women use smaller balls.

Similarities of netball and fast netball?

I play netball and i dnt think there is even a "fast netball". But if there is i guess it would all be the same but, faster:\

Why is it important for different players to have different roles?

It is important that each player has a different position in netball is because if each player has the same role, it wont allow them to go into seaperat areas of the netball caourt. You also cant try and score a point in netball because you have to be in the goal ring (semicircle). Hope it helped :)

How do you draw a netball?

a netball ball is the same as a football only a bit smaller

What is the word 'netball' when translated from English to Indonesian?

Netball in Indonesian is just Netball. For foreign words like netball, Indonesians just use the same word.

Which sports are the most played in schools in the UK?

Most definitely Football then it's probably about the same for Rugby and Cricket, the girls love Netball and there's always lots of Athletics and Basketball opportunities too.

How do you say netball in french?

It is simply "netball" and is masculine so if you wanted to say "I like netball" you would say "J'aime le netball." It isn't a common sport in France but some do play it 'netball' is called the same in French - but this is a totally unknown sport in France.

Was netball different to how it is now?

Netball was originally derived from basketball and was first known as "women's basketball". It originally just included basic rules and the separate zones and more rules have been added and standardized over time. Most countries that are involved in netball standardize their rules every 4 years to keep up to date with the latest trends.