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Yes, definitely I would say so as they are aggressive and determined on the field and off the field humble and caring.

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Q: Are rugby players good role models?
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To be professionals on and off the ice, play to the best of their abilities, and to be good role models.

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Nobody. There are bad Christian role models, though.

How much do rugby league players get paid?

Between $30,000 to $450, 000 a season. Depending on the team, the athlete and his poisiton/role in the side.

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The United States

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We can learn to be good role models.

How can role models help teens develop their personal identity?

Yes. It is very important to have good role-models because it affects the outcome of the teenagers life choices.

Does Aston merry-gold have a good role model?

Hi its Aston Merrygold and yes he has good role models ; bob marley and yes he is a good role model