Models are good role models because they eat healthy foods, exercise, and keep their body looking fit and healthy!
Celebrities are role models for some kids
Nobody. There are bad Christian role models, though.
The United States
We can learn to be good role models.
Generally, yes they are good role models. There aren't as many incidents as league has but not all AFL players are perfect - look at Ben Cousins
Yes. It is very important to have good role-models because it affects the outcome of the teenagers life choices.
Hi its Aston Merrygold and yes he has good role models ; bob marley and yes he is a good role model
Of course. Whether good or bad models, students will model them.
Yes , some celebrity role models are good role models although some celebrities should not be looked at as 'role models'. honestly.. do we really want our kids and community acting like some spoiled rich snobs or ones who only care about themselves?. occassionally we do find the odd celeb that can influence us in a positive way.
Yes - they are mostly experienced veterinarians working in the veterinary field. Other good role models include research scientists, zoologists, wildlife biologists and marine biologists.
People have role models to help them focus on there goal, so that they could get better at it. A child with a role model is inspired and driven to achieve there goals. Having a role model helps a child focus on there goal, so that they could get better at it. A child with a role model is inspired and driven to achieve there goals. Role Models are people who others look to for guidance. There are good role models who inspire greatness in others and bad role models who are what we call "bad influences."