Technically, yes. In leagues like the USHL most of their things are free, such as lving expenses. In leagues like the Atlantic Junior Hockey League, it is about $5,500 plus $2,000 travel costs to play out of pocket.
I'm assuming you mean the Canadian junior WHL? If so, players in this league, as in all three Canadian junior leagues, are not pros and are not paid a salary, no matter what the NCAA would have you believe. The players are paid a standard allowance, their lodging is taken care of and so on. However, there is no salary structure for players as there is in the professional leagues.
World Junior hockey features players aged 16 to 18.
You can simply apply to the college and hope to get accepted and make the hockey team. Otherwise to get a hockey scholarship, it is best to play on a Junior A team that has a good record in order to have University Hockey scouts come watch the Junior A games. Most Junior A teams have University scouts watch games, but only stand out players will be approached by the scouts.
It depends on how good you are at the sport
# They get paid money dawgg
I don't, professional players do.
Triple A is a much more difficult level to play at, with players often getting drafted into junior and such. The skill, size and strength of individual players is greater than that of players in double A. It is the highest level of minor (that does not include junior) hockey that somebody can play at.
i say soccer players cause they pay even for thier medical reasons and hockey does not and soccer gets paid because we play the whole year nonstop and we get paid everyday and more if they score
junior hockey is the wave of the future. more premier players are moving away from prep and high school hockey because they dont have to deal with the politics associated with high school hockey. one example: a senior game. often, seniors are not the best players ona team but they get to play because it is their last game. juniors hockey eliminates age brackets and separates players the way they should be separated: by skill level.