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The answer is Yes and No, the Players on the Ice need to wear one. Goalies don't have to as the "NHL Rules" only said that "Goaltenders are highly suggested to wear a sort of protective helmet" which means they don't have to if they don't want to. But if they come into the game with one they must wear it during the game but if they show up without one no one can stop him from playing because of it.

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11y ago

No, full face masks or cages are not optional in the NHL due to rule 9.6 Dangerous Equipment, "A mask or protector of a design approved by the League may be worn by a player who has sustained a facial injury."

In other words you cant

where the full mask unless you have an injury, otherwise you are only aloud to where a half visor.

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Q: Are helmets optional in the NHL?
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Why are there no manufacturer logos on the sides of NHL helmets?

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Are visors optional in the NHL?

Yes, players can opt to have either a visor or nothing

What year were helmets required in NHL?

In August 1979, then president of the National Hockey League (NHL), John Ziegler, announced that protective helmets would become mandatory in the NHL. "The introduction of the helmet rule will be an additional safety factor," he said. The only exception to the rule are players -- after signing a waiver form -- who signed pro contracts prior to 1 June 1979.

In the NHL during 1917 what equipment did they wear?

mostley the stuff hockey players wear today except less protective. They also used wooden sticks [of course] and they didn't wear helmets or mouthgards.

Are face masks optional in NHL?

Yes and No, Goalies in the NHL do NOT have to wear one As the "NHL Rules" only said that "Goaltenders are highly suggested to wear a sort of protective helmet" which means they don't have to if they don't want to. But if they come into the game with one they must wear it during the game but if they show up without one no one can stop him from playing because of it. But players do.

What is the difference between dirt bike helmets and ATV helmets?

Mountain bike helmets are better than dirt bike helmets

How do chin straps come in handy?

Chin straps come in handy by securing a helmet to the head. The are used for baseball helmets, football helmets, combat helmets, hockey helmets, and motorcycle helmets.

Are lacrosse helmets a type of hat?

No. They are helmets.

When NFL teams wear throwback uniforms are the helmets painted or are they different helmets?

Different helmets

Why are NHL players required to wear helmets?

For protection. A baseball is a pretty hard object and should it hit you in the head travelling 80-90 miles per hour, the damage could be life threatening. The helmet helps cushion the blow and injuries are much less severe.

How many motorcyclists wear helmets?

all motorcyclists wear helmets, squids don't wear helmets.