because the teams pay them not to so that they could have their logos
Yes you can create a team, choose its players and logos and jerseys.
In the NHL Shop there are t-shirts, hoodies, and sweat jackets featuring logos from favorite teams. Also they offer merchandise that men can enjoy such as backpacks and collectibles.
Sher-Wood has the NHL licence to supply pucks to the NHL. The company does NOT make the pucks, which are made by Soucy Baron Inc. a Canadian company located in St-Jérôme in the province of Quebec, Sher-Wood will then print the logos on the pucks and supply them to the NHL teams.
In August 1979, then president of the National Hockey League (NHL), John Ziegler, announced that protective helmets would become mandatory in the NHL. "The introduction of the helmet rule will be an additional safety factor," he said. The only exception to the rule are players -- after signing a waiver form -- who signed pro contracts prior to 1 June 1979.
offside occurs when a player of a team crosses his opponent's blue line before the puck does
mostley the stuff hockey players wear today except less protective. They also used wooden sticks [of course] and they didn't wear helmets or mouthgards.
November 28th, 2008 the jersey is black with a leaping coyote and new logos on the shoulders, for more info on this jersey and other nhl 3rd jerseys go to
For protection. A baseball is a pretty hard object and should it hit you in the head travelling 80-90 miles per hour, the damage could be life threatening. The helmet helps cushion the blow and injuries are much less severe.
In 2004, the collective bargaining agreement between the NHL and the NHL Players' Association expired. The league was determined that it would not open the 2004/2005 season without a new CBA in place. When hard negotiations, plus a lot of animosity on both sides, failed to get an agreement, the season was delayed and finally cancelled completely in the winter of 2005. The two sides finally reached an agreement later in 2005.
There are 21 NHL Games for now 1. NHL 93 (1992) 9. NHL 2001 (2000) 17. NHL 09 (2008) 2. NHL 94 (1993) 10. NHL 2002 (2001) 18. NHL 10 (2009) 3. NHL 95 (1994) 11. NHL 2003 (2002) 19. NHL 11 (2010) 4. NHL 96 (1995) 12. NHL 2004 (2003) 20. NHL 12 (2011) 5. NHL 97 (1996) 13. NHL 05 (2004) 21. NHL 13 (2012) 6. NHL 98 (1997) 14. NHL 06 (2005) 7. NHL 99 (1998) 15. NHL 07 (2006) 8. NHL 2000 (1999) 16. NHL 08 (2007)
Sears sells dart board cabinets on their website. They offer a variety of types such as NBA, NHL, and college team logos. Best Buy and Walmart also sell dart board cabinets online.
NHL 09 is better then NHL 08