It is a form of cheating. No ball or bat is to be tampered with during a game.
Over nine thousand
everyone of them do. metal bats are illegal in professional baseball. But you use them in college, high school and below.
Most professional baseball players use wood bats because metal bats are very easy to hit a home run with and most pros love the challenge behind wood bats. MLB rules dictate that players use wooden bats.
Players in Major League Baseball use wooden bats so the ball doesn't go as far when they hit it. If they used an aluminum bat, players could easily hit a home run.
Most MLB players use Nike Sphere Batting Gloves or Mizuno Vintage Fit Batting Gloves.
Wooden bats are a tradition in MLB and if players used aluminum bats today I'm 99% sure that every player would hit a home run each at bat. It would be too easy for them. Plus if the league changed to metal bats- none of the players could be compared (batting averages) with some of the all-time great people of baseball. For example: Barry Bonds vs. Babe Ruth. ANSWER Saftey of the pitcher. Aluminum bats have too fast an exit speed. The pitcher could not defend himself in the event of a line drive back up the middle.
maybe but my wooden bat is long and hard just like a submarine
Hundreds and even thousands of bats are used in an MLB Season. One reason for that is because of broken bats. But another reason for that is because a lot of professional hitters are very superstitious players. They will use a bat once and depending on what happens, they may never use it again.
They lost the rights to use the players names.
there are many players in the mlb that use steroids. My guess would be 30-40.
No MBL players use Old Hickory bats and gloves.