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The action is called a sacrifice.

The batter may bunt the ball to move a runner to scoring position.

The batter may hit a fly ball into the outfield so that the runner on third can tag up and cross the plate.

The batter may hit a ball that goes to a certain part of the infield where the only play the fielder can make is to first.

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Q: An action by a batter that advances the runner to another base resulting in the batter being put out?
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What action happens when a runner advances to a base without any action form a batter in baseball?

a steal or balk

What happens if a batter gets hit by a?

If a batter is hit by a pitch, that batter automatically advances to first base.

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How do you score a batter who walks and advances to second?

A walk and then a steal.

Does the batter get a sacrifice if the runner on first tags and goes to second?

Yes as long as the runner advances Assuming you mean the runner tags up on a fly ball and advances to second, it is not scored as a sacrifice, but, simply as a fly out and the batter is charged with a time at bat. If the batter bunt a ground ball, the runner would not be required to "tag up" to advance and the batter would be credited with a sacrifice. If the batter is attempting a sacrifice bunt and pops up and the runner, tags up and somehow advances to second the batter is not credited with a sacrifice.

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yes he can do it

In NCAA baseball a batter bunts with a runner on second base and advances him to third is this a sacrifice?

Yes it is considered a sacrifice.

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An out resulting from the batter getting three?

its called a strikeout otherwise statistically pitchingwise known as a "k."

Does a sacrifice fly that advances a runner from second to third count as an at bat?

A fly ball that advances a runner from second to third is not counted as a sacrifice fly, and it does count as an at bat. Unless a runner scores on a fly ball, the batter is charged with an at bat.

Why will a batter not hold a charge when the alternator has been replaced?

Maybe the batter is dead or you got another bad alternator.

What does passing baseball mean?

Passing baseball means the catcher failed to hold or control a legally pitched ball. As a result of this loss of control, the batter or runner on base advances.