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Six-a-side is usually played on a halfturf; if you are playing on a normal turf, this is simply the area between the halfway line and one backline. The measurements of the outline are 55m by 45.7m; the halfway line is 45.7m long and is 27.5m from each 'backline'; the circles are sometimes made smaller (normally 14.63m radius, changed to 10m); and the goals are standard goals sited halfway along the 'backlines'.

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Q: All measurements for six-a-side field hockey pitch?
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What are the measurements for a six-a-side field hockey pitch?

Length - 55 metres Width - 22.9 metres

Hockey pitch diagram?

This is a big pitch, u can have ice hockey, or Field hockey, also street, floor, inline hockey. =]

How did they play field hockey?

by hitting a ball round a pitch with a stick!

What is the size of an indoor hockey field?

An indoor hockey pitch is 18m to 22m wide by 36m to 44m long.

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ice hockey is a rink and field hockey is just a field

Are baseball cleats okay to use for field hockey?

Cleats are not allowed on an astroturf hockey pitch, Trainers or Astroturf trainers that are specific to hockey which will have adequate protection overall should be warn

Is a hockey field smaller than a rugby field?

Hockey field is 91.40 m × 55 m Where a rugby pitch is required to be No LESS than 100meters x 70 meters with an in-goal area no bigger than 22 metres in depth

What is the perimiter of a hockey field?

A standard field hockey pitch is 91.44m by 55.00m (300ft by 180ft) measured along the sidelines and goal-lines, so its perimeter is (91.44+55)x2 = 292.88 metres (960 feet).

What is the minimum size of a field hockey pitch?

Not more than 100 yards and not less than 60 yards

How many player in hochy team?

A field hockey team will always have a team of 16 players with 11 of them in a pitch at a time.

When is a push in awarded in field hockey?

Whenever the ball leaves the sides of the pitch. If the ball leaves the ends of the pitch it will either be a 16 yard hit or a long corner.

What is hockey pitch?

a rink