in 1950, George Kell was the highest paid infilder. He made over 50,000 a year.
Vinegar Bend Mizell Stan the Man
A doctor's salary in 1950 varied as much then as it does today. The salaried physician was at the bottom while the surgical specialties were at the top. The average salary of physicians was $11,058 per year.
The average salary in 1950 was around 2,992 dollars per year. The minimum wage was around 75 cents an hour.
The last year that happened was 1960. Prior to that, there were no electees in 1958, 1950, 1943, 1941, and 1940.
The simple answer is back in the 50's they did not play for money! That's right! The game seems to only be about money now but not then. Some players were only paid $1.00 a MONTH! It's incredible!! Talk about For the love of the game"!
According to, it ranged from $8,272 for a doctor on salary to $28,628 for a neurological surgeon. The average salary of a physician was $11,058.
Chicagoland Mystery Players ended on 1950-07-23.
69$ a week America F YEAH!
Joe's 1951 salary was reported at $100.000 ... that is the same salary he made in 1949 and 1950.
The average salary of a major league player was $5000, a considerable sum but not equal to today's millionaires. The highest salaries were around $20,000, which made the $80,000 paid to Babe Ruth in 1931 an extraordinary expenditure.