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People had disposable income and time.

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Q: Why were people attracted to spectator sports?
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Related questions

Why spectator sports are not a waste of time?

Spectator sports are god for everyone because of the thrill. It gives people something to do.

What kind of Japanese spectator sports are there?

Baseball and Sumo wrestling are several spectator sports the Japanese people engage in .

What ways did culture change near the end of the 19th century?

People gained interest in spectator sports.

What did the popularity of spectator sports indicate in 1990?

about 10 because people had to have a life

What is a spectator in ice hockey?

watcher, viewer, observer, onlooker, looker-on, bystander, witness

What else could you be doing rather than watching spectator sports?

something you could do besides watch spectator sports is your mom

What are the most spectator sports in the world?


Why have spectator sports improved?

they have improved becasue people want to do there best in front of a crowd so the more people that cpme to watch the better they do.

What sports did people play during the depression?

Most people played baseball, but attendance dropped during the depression. People turned to inexpensive sports like soccer for recreation and boxing became a popular spectator sport.

What are the top 2 spectator sports in the US?

Football and Baseball

Where does rodeo rank among spectator sports?

it ranks at the bottom

What were the two most popular spectator sports in the US in early 1900s?

The two most popular spectator sports in the U.S. in the early 1900's was Baseball and the ever popular Soccer