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so the ball has something to stop it from going another 100 feet

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Q: Why is there plexiglass behind homeplate?
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Where is the best place to sit at a Major League Baseball game to catch the most action?

Behind home plate is great. The closer down the better, but even if you're a level up in the stands, it's a great place to watch the game.

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He is called the catcher.

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prolly about 3 seconds

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Are you allowed in the presidents box at Ford Theatre?

No, it's closed off by the park service. You can view it through plexiglass from behind the box.

How do you get dries egg off plexiglass?

how do you get egg off of plexiglass

I accidentally got leather cleaner on the plexiglass of my car instrument panel. Now it is covered with spots and a haze that I can't remove. How can I get rid of the spots and haze?

you get plexiglass cleaner you get plexiglass cleaner you get plexiglass cleaner

Is plexiglass lighter than glass?

Yes. Plexiglass is a plastic, whereas glass is comprised mainly of silicas. Glass is about twice as dense as plexiglass, so a sheet of plexiglass is lighter than a sheet of glass the same size.

Are there any types of plexiglass that resist scratches?

Most plexiglass does scratch, acrylic plexiglass can resist scratches better then most types but will still get them.