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Usually called studs, they provide stability and grip for the player.

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Q: Why do soccer shoes have pegs?
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Related questions

Are running shoes necessary?

I would recommend you buy running shoes. Soccer shoes are for soccer and are not made for running. If you use soccer shoes for running you may risk injury.

What are indoor soccer shoes for?

Indoor soccer

How do they achieve the leaning dance in MJ's smooth criminal video?

They had holes/slots in there shoes and pegs in the stage so they can easily slip there shoes onto the pegs and it will hold. in the smooth criminal vid, one of the guys has trouble getting out of it (watch closely.

What does wf stand for in puma soccer shoes?

It means it says warning for tese are soccer shoes not just any shoes that what wf stands for

What are tools shoe makers would use to make shoes?

They used a hammer, pegs and nails

What is soccer shoes commonly called?

There called cleats i play travel soccer and i say soccer shoes and cleats. So i doesn't matter really.

What are soccer shoes are called?

soccer shoes are called cleats you can tell that they are cleats if they have spikes on the bottom.

Where can I find some soccer running shoes?

Any shoe store should have soccer running shoes. If a shoe store does not have soccer running shoes, then it is probably a store that only takes in and sells donations.

Would you like to have my indoor soccer shoes?

No, I do not want to have your indoor soccer shoes but you can put an ad up online to see if anybody would like to buy your indoor soccer shoes on kijiji or craigslist

Can you use baseball shoes as football shoes?

no,because soccer shoes are more strong

What sports do people play in Peru?

soccer with puma shoes

What 5 structures would be used in a soccer game?

5 structures can be: the soccer net the referee the players the soccer field and the soccer ball I hope it helped!