Roger Staubach's birth name is Roger Thomas Staubach.
Roger Staubach was born on February 5, 1942.
Roger Staubach was born on February 5, 1942.
Craig Morten with Roger Staubach as back up. Roger Staubach with Morten as back up. Roger Staubach with Clint Longely as back up. RogerStaubach with Danny White as back up.
Roger the Dodger
Rusty Staub goes by Le Grand Orange.
Roger Staubach was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1985.
Roger Staubach wore #12 during his career with the Cowboys.
During his career with the Cowboys, Roger Staubach wore jersey number 12.
No, he did not. Roger Staubach played for the Dallas Cowboys from 1969-1979.
Craig Morton (1970-72) and Roger Staubach (1971-79).
His father got sick while Roger Thomas Staubach was in high school.