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Q: What is standard size of goal bars of football ground?
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How big is an 11 a side football goal?

In 11-a-side soccer, which is the standard, the crossbar is 8 feet from the ground, and the inner edges of the goal posts are 24 feet (8 yards) apart.

Where is the crossbar in football?

I'll give you instructions. It's the top part of a football goal. You know, the two bars on the 2 sides of the goal. It's the top one joining them together!!!

What is the height of the horizontal bar of a high school football goal post?

The crossbar is 10 feet above the ground.

If a football that is punted goes through the goal posts is it a field goal?

no it's just a touchback No. A field goal can only be scored from a placekick or dropkick. The ball has to have made contact with the ground before it was kicked.

What is the goal of football?

The goal in football is where the player need to try and get the football into the net without the goalkeeper saving the ball.

The width of an Canadian football league goal post?

The goal post dimensions in Canadian football are the same as in American football. The goal posts are on the goal line. The hash marks are not in line with the uprights.

How can a goal be scored in English football?

by kicking the ball in the goal!! the best and original type of football. american football is stupid

What is meant by a field goal?

In American and Canadian football, a field goal is scored by kicking a ball pinned to the ground by the finger of another player between the two upright posts of the goal. When scored, it counts as three points for the side who kicks it.

Why is a field goal called a field goal in basketball?

The football, after being kicked by the place kicker, must travel over the crossbar and between the two uprights of the goal post. It can hit one of these bars, but it must then bounce in such a way that it still goes over the crossbar and between the uprights. There is no limit on how high the football can go. The "uprights", though they have a finite physical length, are considered, for the purposes of the game, to extend upward infinitely.

What is get a goal called?

Getting a goal in soccer-football is called a goal

How do you say Goal in Kenya?

Bao ( the 'GOAL!!' for football

Is a futsal goal bigger than a football goal?

No. The size of the goal in futsal is significantly smaller than that used in football (soccer), or any other major football rule set.