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Quite possibly the term might Be Hogan"s brickyard. this is an old-fashioned Baseball term that has been applied to sections of various ballparks. As Boston has a large Irish population, Hogan being an Irish name- and the general age of the park- almost a century- it makes sense.

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Deep center field is refered to as the "triangle" because of the triangle the walls create when they meet around the 420' mark

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Q: What is Center Field Called in Fenway Park?
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How far would a player have to hit a ball into center field to get a home run at Fenway Park?

left center field is 388 center field 488 right center filed 402

How far from the plate are the walls in Fenway Park?

The dimensions at Fenway Park:Left Field: 310 ft.Deep Left-Center: 379 ft.Center Field: 389 ft. 9 in.Deep Right-Center: 420 ft.Right-Center: 380 ft.Right Field: 302 ft.

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Yes. There was a candlepin bowling center in the basement of Fenway Park until 2004.

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it was 1947 when it called the green monster

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The tallest outfield wall is called the "Arch Nemesis," located at Sovereign Bank Stadium, home of the York Revolution in York, Pennsylvania. The wall is exactly 37 feet, 8 inches tall, making it six inches taller than the famous Green Monster at Fenway Park.

Why is it called fenway park?

First reason is that it's the oldest park in MLB, built in 1912. The stands are very close to the field which gives the fans an up-close view of the game. Also, in left field is the famous 'Green Monster' wall 37 feet high.

Where is the Red Sox home field?

Fenway Park in Boston

Which stadium is older Fenway Park or Wrigley Field?

Fenway (1912) is older than Wrigley (1914).

What ballpark opened the same day as Fenway Park?

Navin Field

What stadium has a 37 foot wall in left field?

Fenway Park

What other ball park opened on the same day as Fenway Park?

Detroits Navin Field