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There is some extra paint in the tube so when you release, it just drips out.

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Q: Why does your paint gun drip out the tip when you release the trigger?
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Why do my your spray gun drip out the tip when I release the trigger when you are spraying with a paint gun?

It depends on which paint gun if it is a paint ball you have the wrong paint or you do not have enough pressurized air. If you have a spray paint gun that means that there not enough pressurized air.

How do you loosen a paint ball gun trigger?

On some guns you can change out the trigger springs, others you may have to buy a new trigger or trigger assembly.

How do you fire faster with a paintball gun?

Buy better paint, and get a barrel that fits the paint well. Also clean your gun often.

What is semi-automatic mode on a paint ball gun?

Where one trigger pull shoots one paintball.

How do you make a semi auto paint ball gun shoot like an electronic one?

You can either upgrade your gun to an electric gun, or you can shorten the trigger pull and walk the trigger. You can not do modes such as automatic, ramping or 3 shot burst. You can still shoot fast though.

Can you just paint your Nerf gun with spray paint and with out disasembling it?

Yes, you can. But, I would suggest buying a plastic-safe spray paint. I would recommend Krylon Fusion or Rustoleum paint. You can find these at your local hardware store, Michael's, or Home Depot. But, before you paint them, make sure to cover the trigger, and other parts so they won't get paint on them(the trigger could get stuck). Also, cover up the orange nozzle because that's how the police know it's a fake/nerf gun.

What makes a gun fully atomatic?

When a gun fires more than 1 shot per pull of the trigger. In most cases, pull the trigger. Gun fires, ejects fired cartridge, loads fresh cartridge, fires it, and repeats until you release the trigger or run out of ammunition.

Why does your trigger get stuck on your tippmann 98 custom and how do you make it stop?

There are two things that can cause this: 1. The spring that resets the trigger is worn or is otherwise malfunctioning. 2. There is dirt or paint between the trigger and the inside of the gun, gumming it up. If you know how, take apart and clean your gun thoroughly. If not, take it to a paintball field or shop and have someone show you how.

What is a sentence for trigger?

Alan's finger was on the gun's trigger.

How do you adjust an auto paint gun?

Assuming you are using an HVLP gun: The fan can be changed from horizontal to vertical by twisting the front cap/air guides 90 degrees. This usually swivels inside the head, be sure you do not unscrew the head from the body. For needle adjustment, there is usually a knob with lock nut on the back top of the paint gun. This is the same knob that unscrews for cleaning the gun after use. Be very careful not to damage the needle during adjustment or cleaning. The volume of paint is determined by how far the trigger is pulled back. Air starts once the trigger moves a small distance, then the air is held at a constant volume for the rest of trigger travel. Only the volume of paint released changes with further trigger movement. Some guns, such as those from SATA, also have an air pressure adjustment knob which often doesn't need to be used for most purposes. Do not exceed the pressure rating, which is almost always imprinted on the gun somewhere. Typically 30-40 psi for a HVLP gun.

Why should special care be given when using a double set trigger for hunting?

one trigger sets the gun to go off and the other fires it you must squeeze the first trigger then the second to fire the gun and if your not careful and pull the set trigger again instead of the second trigger the gun will not fire plus the second trigger being the fire trigger is usually a hair trigger meaning you barely have to pull it to make the gun fire

What is a trigger part of?

a gun