yes they did compete like that and you know what women were NOT allowed to compete... sorry ladies!!! But yes they definetly did compete naked!! GROSS
I am not sure why I think it is because they wanted to prove they were strong and didnt have to wear clothes and AGAIN GROSS!!!
*Actually, the men didn't wear clothes because the garments back then were loose-fitting and would possibly get tangled while they were competing. Also, clothes were moere of a status symbol than a necessity. Sorry who ever answered this question first, but i really don't think your opinion is relevant to this question :P*
they enjoyed athletics, the exercise and the games. also, they competed for the substantial amount of prize money they could get- the word athlete comes from the ancient greek word for "one who competes for a prize"
............................ the above is wrong in that they mostly participated in the Olympics to worship their gods, it was like a sacred duty for them to train and win
Men were nude in the Olympics to show their strength and so that they could be as physically capable as possible without anything hindering there performance.
cause boys competed naked galfriends!
Only men were allowed to compete in the Ancient Olympics and they didn't wear anything while competing, they went naked.
Masquerading as a man, which would be difficult an athletes competed naked.
Women are now allowed to compete and there is a Marathon and there is winter Olympics and many more sports and no going naked. Ancient Olympic and Modern Olympic has a lots of events.
because men were naked and the men were naked so they could see if it was a man or a women. if they were a women then they had to go to the top of a cliff and get pushed off
they were naked
they were naked
Food and love mainly.
No, women were not allowed to enter the olympics.
people came from all over ancient Greece after they were approved to be in the Olympics because they had to be good enough. so pretty much anyone who was good enough to participate in the Olympics and was a citizen of a Greek city could participate in the Olympics.
Only men were able to compete in the Ancient Olympics. Women were forbid to enter the Ancient Olympics, or, Olympia, as it was called back then.