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Masquerading as a man, which would be difficult an athletes competed naked.

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Q: What is the only way a woman can compete in the ancient Olympics?
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Who could compete in the Ancient Greece Olympics?

men were the only ones alowed to compete

Who were able to complete in the ancient Olympics?

Only men were able to compete in the Ancient Olympics. Women were forbid to enter the Ancient Olympics, or, Olympia, as it was called back then.

Who was not allowed to participate in Olympics?

In The Ancient Olympics only men were. In the Modern Olympics Women were only aloowed to compete from 1930 onwards

Why did only Greece compete in the ancient Olympics?

One country- Greece.

Who was the first woman to witness the olympic games?

While only men were allowed o compete, all could watch even the ancient olympics. Who was first woman can't be determined.

What women wore in ancient Olympics?

Woman did not compeate in ancient olympics only men did and they did not know what to where so the wore nothing!

Who competed in the Ancient Olympics and what did the athletes wear while competing?

Only men were allowed to compete in the Ancient Olympics and they didn't wear anything while competing, they went naked.

What did women in the ancient Olympics wear?

Women were not only not allowed to compete but also were not allowed to watch the games as the competotors were nude.

What women in ancient wore?

Woman did not compeate in ancient Olympics only men did and they did not know what to where so the wore nothing!

What are five top similarities between ancient and modern Olympics?

Similarities 1. Held every four years 2. There are many of the same events 3. They compete Differences 1. Only men could compete in ancient Olympics 2. Ancient Olympics were held to honor the ancient Greek god, Zeus 3. They didn't have ice skating, bobsledding, or the luge in ancient Olympics 4. In the ancient Olympics the men had to compete nude

What was the first year that women were allowed to compete in the Olympics?

396 BC Cynisca of Sparta was permitted to enter her horses in the Olympics. Back then it was the owner of the horses not the riders that were awarded with victory in the Olympics. Cynisca won the 4 horse chariot race. In a bit of irony women were not allowed to watch the Olympics and she most likely never even witnessed her win. PCH- 1912

Who was famous that participated in the ancient Olympics?

people came from all over ancient Greece after they were approved to be in the Olympics because they had to be good enough. so pretty much anyone who was good enough to participate in the Olympics and was a citizen of a Greek city could participate in the Olympics.