John Terry had an affair with Wayne Bridge's wife.
toni poole
No. Terry has denied that he had an affair with Bridge's wife.
John Terry.
Because he had an affair with a teammates wife.
Chelsea and England Captain John Terry used a "super injunction" to prevent publication of stories about his affair with the girlfriend of his team mate.
Well He Did Have Sex With Wayne Bridges GirlFriend even though he is Married to someone
A letter written from a girlfriend or spouse to a soldier, whom are meanwhile away at post or battle, revealing an affair.
if John Proctor had not had an affair with Abigail, then...
John Terry has 2 children.
fran gotti has a girlfriend, and so does john, im not to sure about carmine.AnswerFrank is currently dating his girlfriend Nikki, John recently got back with his girlfriend Terry (His mother made that official on the Dr. Phil show) And Carmine is single at the moment *** Carmine is currently with someone