It depends who they are if they are someone like LeBron James or Michael Jordan than it would Be NBA player but if it is like Keven Durant it would be a tie because Keven Durant and Zac Efron make pretty much the same amount of money a year.
its a Baseball player bcuz theres no slarie cap in baseball and theres one in football so it cant be a football player and no ones cares about Basketball so baseball
A baseball player makes more money then a basketball player... most money payed for a baseball player right now is 30.5 mill for Alex Rodriguez. Most for a basketball player this year(2007-08) is 21 mill for Kevin Garnet!
an football player
in basketball you make a rainbow shot
You start backwards, you know you have 80 baseball so that makes 40 football. 20 basketball, and 40 hockey.
a basketball player
football,baseball,basketball,golf,boxing,wrestling,dirtbiking,skate boarding,biking
Practicing and knowing your opponents weaknesses can make you a better basketball player.
A basketball player
not a lot