It was revived by an Englishman - William Penny Brookes in attending his games it inspired Baron Pierre de Coubertin who would later develop Brookes' idea into the modern Olympic Games.
there are lots of rules in the modern olympics
Because of the Olympics which is held now the olympic in 2002 was developed by the modern Olympics
ones ancient ones modern
Modern Olympics go on for roughly a month.
1896 the first modern Olympics started
Where did olympics start?
They didn't. The modern Olympics was restarted in the late 1800's and not directly linked to the ancient Olympics at all.
When and where were the first modern Summer Olympics held
zac bakewoods
Most of the events from the Modern Olympics originally came from the Ancient Olympics but many more events have been added to the Modern Olympics...
The first modern Olympics was in Athens because it is the capital of the country who had the idea of the original Olympics.
The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece in 1896.