Even if third base is playing up third base is still a longer throw.
A few feet behind the runner when they lead off. The shortstop could loop around instead of the third baseman if you want it to be a surprise.
the shortstop
There are nine: a pitcher, standing in the middle of the infield, a catcher straight across from her behind home plate to receive the pitcher's throw, and two players in between first, second and third bases. there are three players in the outfield, spread out evenly.
The main issue is that first base is on the right side, so you can't apply the same shift to a righty as you would to a lefty. A real dramatic shift on a left handed hitter like Ryan Howard has the third baseman playing at about the shortstop position, the shortstop playing closer to the second baseman's usual position, the second baseman playing in right field, the right fielder playing in very deep right field, and the first baseman guarding the line. You can't do the same for a righty. On a right handed pure pull hitter, the third baseman may guard the line, the shortstop will move towards third, and the second baseman will be behind the bag. But the first baseman must be close enough to first to handle a throw. And the shortstop can't play in left field, because he'd be too far away from first base to throw the guy out. So you can't shift a righty nearly as dramatically as you can shift a lefty.
The shortstop's role is almost identical to that of the 2nd baseman. Both players share the responsibility of 2nd base, although the 2nd baseman covers it more often. If you watch the playing field, you will sometimes see the infield move to the left or right, depending on who is batting. Generally, the shortstop stands between 2nd and 3rd while the 2nd baseman stands between 1st and 2nd (to cover the large gap where a ground ball often goes when it's hit. If the infield shifts to the right, you will then see the shortstop assume the role of the 2nd baseman by covering 2nd base so that the actual 2nd baseman can field the ball and, if necessary, throw to the shortstop for an out. Just for fun, you may also take a look at all of the shortstops in MLB. You will notice that none of them throw left-handed and they probably never will. A right-handed shortstop is the key ingredient to starting double plays, whereas a left-handed shortstop would have to twist his body to make an accurate throw to 2nd. That small amount of time is all that is needed to stop a double play from occurring.
The 'routine' is called around the horn and is a derivation of an old baseball drill that has been done for many, many years. The drill starts with all four infielders and the catcher in their 'normal' position with the catcher holding the ball. The catcher throws to third base as if a player was attempting to steal. The third baseman catches the ball and throws a ground ball to the second baseman who throws to the shortstop who is covering second base as if there was a force play. The shortstop throws to first base as if finishing a double play. The first baseman throws to the catcher and the process begins again.The drill is meant to be done quickly and crisply and designed to practice accurate throwing and hustle.
if the out would be the third no, it is up to the descrestion of the scorekeeper for example, if there was a runner on third with one out and you bunted the and the third baseman overthrew first, then it would be an rbi, but if the second baseman missed the throw to the first baseman with two outs, then there would be no rbi
Lets say there is a man on first base, and the batter gets an infield ground hit that is picked off by the shortstop. The shortstop throws the ball to the 2nd baseman who steps on 2nd base before the runner a at 1st can reach it. This is a force out as the 2nd baseman does not have to tag the incoming runner. If the shortstop caught the ball before the ball hit the ground and can throw the ball to the 1st baseman before the runner at 1st can get back and put his foot on the bag, then that would also would be a force out.
The same as in baseball or softball there is a pitcher, catcher, first baseman, second baseman, third baseman, left fielder (from the hitter's point of view), center fielder and right fielder. You can also have more than three people in the outfield if you have too many people. Kickball is really fun!
That depends on where the 1st baseman fields the ball. If the 1st baseman can field the ball, throw to second, and have enough time to get safely back to the base to catch the return throw, then (s)he will cover. If not, then it is the responsibility of the pitcher.
That would depend on 'who' is trying to throw the runner out. This answer will assume the questioner is asking about a stolen base and the 'who' is the catcher. The defensive player that covers second base on a steal attempt is the player that the defense believes is on the side of the field that the ball will NOT be hit to. Factors that go into this decision are whether the batter is righthanded or lefthanded, where the pitcher is going to pitch the ball (inside or outside), and how good of a batter the player is (whether they can hit the ball to all fields, whether they are a pull hitter). Generally, if the batter is righthanded and the pitcher is going to pitch inside the odds are better, if the batter makes contact with the ball, that it will be hit to the left side of the field. In this case, it will be the second baseman's responsibility to cover the base if the runner attempts to steal. If the batter is lefthanded and the pitcher is going to pitch inside the odds are better, if the batter makes contact with the ball, that it will be hit to the right side of the field. In this case, it will be the shortstop's responsibility to cover the base if the runner attempts a steal. The decision of who will cover second base on a steal attempt is made before every pitch. On one pitch the second baseman may be the player to cover and on the next pitch the shortstop may be the player to cover. If you are at a game, you may notice when a player is on first base that the second baseman will put his glove up to his face and look at the shortstop just before a pitch is made. The second baseman is giving a signal to the shortstop as to who will cover second base on a steal attempt. Usually, the signal is an open mouth or closed mouth. If the second baseman looks at the shortstop and his mouth is open, this means the second baseman will be the player to cover if a steal is attempted; if the mouth is closed the shortstop will cover. Or vice versa ... it all depends on how the team has set up their signals.
When we played, it referred to throwing the ball around all the infield bases; example; after a player is thrown out at first base; the first baseman will often then throw it to the 3rd baseman upon completion of the play; then the 3rd baseman to the 2nd baseman and the 2nd baseman to the shortstop. It's sort of a way to keep the infielders all warmed up and attentive in between plays. Hope this helps!!